Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin

I just finished this, again, I've read it many times. It's a young adult book about Sam Westing, master of disguise and game playing, who in his will called 16 heirs to play the "Westing Game" to discover who took his life and figure out the solution, becoming the heir to his money. it's an easy read, and fun. It's fun to try and figure it out. It was made into a movie but I haven't seen it, so I don't know how much it follows the book.


Kellie said...

I'm glad you enjoyed this book. Matt gave it to me several years ago and I've started it several times and have never been able to get into it or finish it. I gave it to my mom to read and she liked it.

Maria said...

I want to try this book. Do you think it would be a good choice for a read aloud with Regan? She is really into mysteries right now, and I need a break from Nancy Drew...

Cathy said...

I'm not sure if Regan would really get it yet, it may be a little complicated still, but you can always try! Or just check it out yourself first to see.

Deb said...

i love this book. ditto on cath's comments.

Maria said...

I read it and I really liked it. Regan's probably wouldn't be able to follow it in the small, daily spurts of reading we do, but I did add it to my "wish list".